Licensed operators of bcard electronic food vouchers

11 January 2024
The licensed operators of electronic food vouchers with the Bulgarian card "bcard e-vouchers" are:
- "BULGARIAN POSTS" EAD, EIC 121396123, https://www.bgpost.bg/news/vouchers/6819
- "MICROFOND" EAD, EIK 131003401, https://www.mikrofond.bg/
- "BILLA SERVICE" EOOD, EIK 131458121, https://www.billa.bg/za-billa/vaucheri/elektronen-vaucher-za-hrana
- CITY INVEST GROUP AD, EIK 200237528, https://cityinvestgroup.bg/vaucher-hrana/
- MOTOBUL EAD, EIK 204917226, https://benzin.bg/bg
- "FIDUTSIA" AD, EIK 131319029, https://www.fidutsia.com/
- "KAUFLAND SERVICE" EOOD, EIK 202187383, https://vaucheri.kaufland.bg/
For additional information: ncps@borica.bg